
The uni and soul patch thing just make it that much more hideous. We are not the three musketeers here. (Though we may be a mustacheer... that was lame. sorry.)

A well groomed thick stache with nicely shaped brows and fluffy hair. Lovely.

Makes me want to throw up in my pants. Ew. I can't even comment.

Not only a fabulous swimmer, but a fabulous facial hairer as well. And the semi-unkempt hair is just an added plus.

Far too triangular. It's just so thick and yet short and I don't even know how to say it, but it's bad.

Yes. Yes. and... yes. Perfect thickness, and length, and it's just superb.

Yes I had to include a lady-stache. It was necessary. It was part of a contest so I give her a few kudos, because she had cajones, but it's still gross.

I can't figure out why I like this. It's really very thick, but the way it sits on his face is just breath taking. I can't get over it.

In Brooke's words, "Oh Geez." Everything about this man and his choice of hair is unacceptable.

I saved the best for last. I want my husband to have a stache like this. It's the ideal 80s mustache of my dreams. Thanks Tommy for showing the world how it's done.
1 comment:
ok i can't let my husband look over my shoulder and see this post!! he is always attemping to rock one but i just am not ready for that macho-ness yet. haha.
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