Here's me with my giant mass of hair. I went without a haircut, not even a trim, for seventeen months. Yes that's right, seventeen months. This particular photo must have been shot on a Friday, because for the entire school year I crimped my hair every Friday. (Except one in March when I forgot...)

Here's me with my giant mass of hair again. Except obviously it's not attached to my head anymore. The top of the braid was a good inch and a half in diameter. It was intense.

Ta Da!
Here's me with my giant mass of hair again. Except obviously it's not attached to my head anymore. The top of the braid was a good inch and a half in diameter. It was intense.
Ta Da!
17 months w/o a haircut?! WOW....good for you for the big change, looks great!
Shelley! Your beautiful locks!!! Do you miss the length at all? I remember when I first cut my hair short, it was the weirdest sensation to feel the back of my head. I couldn't help but touch it.
Can't wait to see you!!
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