Friday, February 6, 2009

Devin "Moses" Gardner

This is Brooke's friend, Devin Gardner.  She and Brooke and the rest of the gang came home from school when I was busy with Junior burning weeds.  They were quite interested, since most 13 years old have a natural interest in burning up stuff.  So I continued to tell them how much fun I was having, and showed them exactly what was happening to each weed, and they kept watching and talking about it until they were all drooling and begging to take a turn.  It was quite a bit like Tom Sawyer and the white washing of the fence.  

Brooke was first, and she seemed fine, so I ran inside for a quick drink of water.  All was well upon my return.  They had switched operators.  I watched for a bit, then asked if they were okay while I went to get a rake.  By the time I got back, smoke was billowing out into the street, and Annie Lambert had already gotten a hose and was spraying down the bush.  Devin had gotten her turn with Junior and came too close to the bush and set it aflame.  It's a dry grass type of bush and it went up in a hurry.  Quick thinking Annie knew right where to find the hose, and got it down there very quickly and put out the fire.  I guess Moses didn't have a hose.

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